Our technology is a 3D microfluidic tumor array platform which will be used for personalized medicine by evaluating the therapeutic response of biopsy samples. Zeynep Dereli-Korkut  

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W Vallen Graham has  harnessed a novel method to capture native protofibrillar amyloid structures to make a library of conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies that detect early amyloid disease. AmyloCap Team: W. Vallen Graham

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The mission of GesTherapy is to use low cost technologies to create affordable tele-health systems for millions of patients worldwide. GesTherapy Team: Tanjin Panna David Putrino  

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Quikiks is the first assistive footwear to enable people with physical or cognitive challenges to don and doff their shoes totally hands-free. Quikiks Team: Steven Kaufman  

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CareSpeak Communications

The mobile Health manager is a two-way SMS based medical therapy management platform. Our objective is to become the preferred mobile solution for specialty and ambulatory pharmacies. CareSpeak Communications Team: Serge Loncar

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The EyeBoxCNS technology features a safe, non-invasive four minute test and will provide vital information for critical diagnosis in the emergency room and in places like the home, the sports field, and the battlefield Oculogica Team: Robert Ritlop Adrian Trevisan  

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Tirgan BioPharmaceuticals

Focusing on developing new drugs for treatment of Keloid Disorder: 1) reformulating a generic drug into a sustained release product using nano-technology; 2) purifying plant extract to create a new topical cream. Tirgan BioPharmaceuticals Team: Michael Tirgan  

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Our innovation is a method of purifying and sequencing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The objective is to develop mtDNA biomarkers for neurological disorders and drug-resistance in cancer. Girihlet Team: Anitha Jayaprakash Ravi Sachidanandam  

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Bonbouton develops a smart insole with proprietary embedded graphene sensors monitoring the patient’s feet health. It helps to prevent foot ulcers and reduce the frequency of physician visits. If you are wearing the insole, you may allow access to the application to your friend, insurance company or physician to monitor your daily activity. Bonbouton Team:…

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ImmuneTarget, Inc.

Our mission at ImmuneTarget is to develop novel Rel/NF-kB inhibitor drugs for cancer and autoimmune diseases. ImmuneTarget, Inc. Team: Hsiou-Chi Liou Samedy Ouk  

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